Thursday, 9 June 2016

Ryan Murphy's Scream Queens, starring Lea Michele and Jamie Lee Curtis, continues on Fox for Season 2. In the upcoming sophomore season, will the popular and most hated Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) and sorority girl Hester Ulrich (Michele) find themselves going "wild?"

the freshmen season of the serial killer horror comedy focused on the unmasking of the Red Devil. Everything spooky and scary took place inside the sorority house of Kappa Kappa Tau. The students, including Chanel (Roberts) and Hester (Michele), found themselves on the hit list of the Red Devil. Even Dean Cathy Munsch (Curtis) had issues with the Red Devi. Who would want to go to a college where the students were getting killed? The first finale ended with the revelation behind the unmasking of the Red Devil. Though Munsch knows Hester's true identity as the masked killer, will their shared secret come back to haunt them? Just like in every scary movie, we last saw the Red Devil go in for one last kill. The last shot was of Chanel screaming at the top of her lungs in the closeup shot.

the location of the sophomore season will be moving from college to a hospital. The starlets themselves are already preparing themselves to move from the campus dorms to the padded cells of a mental institute.

According to E! Online, The American Horror Story actress reveals, "We're adding some incredible new cast members that you'll find out about soon. It's going to be fun, it's going to be wild. We haven't even read a script yet though, so we actually don't know what's going to happen." Check out this Pop Sugar slideshow of Emma Roberts and Lea Michele proving they have one amazing friendship, ever since they first met on the Fox show and have become inseparable. Scream Queens returns to Fox for Season 2. Readers, are you excited for more Scream Queens?

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